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GitHub Universe 2022 is in the books but you’re still able to view sessions from all our content tracks. If you registered for the event you can login below, or sign-up as a first time viewer for our session catalog.


Virtual Schedule @watch.githubuniverse.com

Main Program

  • cloud pic Cloud

    Learn how the best companies, developers, and start-ups are using software in the cloud to accelerate productivity form their business.

  • security pic Security

    Hone your security skills by exploring the GitHub tools, techniques, and best practices for securing your software development lifecycle.

  • AI pic Artificial

    See how GitHub, businesses, and the machine learning and AI community build exciting solutions to address current software challenges.

  • AI pic Forum

    See how GitHub, businesses, and the machine learning and AI community build exciting solutions to address current software challenges.

  • AI pic CC

    See how GitHub, businesses, and the machine learning and AI community build exciting solutions to address current software challenges.


Featured Speakers
